You can access it via DrawSQL
- Back-End: Django, Django REST framework
- Database: PostgreSql hosted on cockroachDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
api/register/ : let the user sign up , add him to the selected group of users . returns a response of the {access token & the refresh token}
api/signin/ : let the user signin , . returns a response of the {access token & the refresh token}
api/token/refresh : returns a new access token by submitting the refresh token if its not expired .
api/getUser/ : returns the info of the user making the request
api/dashboard/ : based on the type of the user making the request , this endpoint returns the appropriate data for the dashboard for each type of user.
api/dashboard/parent/ : returns the info the childs of the parent makeing the request . also offers the possibility of POST request for adding more childs
api/task/<int: task_id >/ :
GET : return the task with task_id PUT : update the status of completing of the task
api/task/<int: task_id >/ :
GET : return all the chat of the course ( all the messages , the videos , and tasks )
POST : offers the instructor to post a new course material to the course with id= course_id the material may differ between a task for all the students in the course or a video
++ Others ( i am too lazy to list them )