
🤖 A virtual currency bot for Discord

Primary LanguageRust

A virtual currency bot for Discord

🦀 Features

Bors is a robust, fast, and thread-safe Discord bot built with Rust. It features:

  • A fully-fleshed-out currency system, with support for:
    • Retrieving a user's balance
    • Transferring coins
    • Retrieving a global leaderboard
  • A persistent and performant embedded database (with sled)
    • User balances are stored across Discord Guilds (Servers)
  • A simple environment-variable based custom logger
  • An awesome abstracted command system, thanks to serenity!

✨ In Action

🛠️ Usage

Bors is extremely easy to set up and host:

# 1. clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/safinsingh/bors

# 2. set up token
echo "TOKEN=MY_BOT_TOKEN" >.env

# 3. build for release
cargo build --release -vv
cp target/release/bors .

# 4. run!
LOG= ./bors

🔮 Contributing

If you feel like you can make a meaningful contribution to bors, feel free to fork this repository and create a pull request! Feature requests and bugs can be filed within the issues tab.

👨‍💻 Authors