Bachelor in Computer Science UET Peshawar | Graduated: 2021 Flutter Developer Specializing in mobile application development with Flutter and Dart
Trutech solution Peshawar Pakistan
Pinned Repositories
History of Pakistan since its inception. There are plenty of interesting facts about Pakistan and its history included in the Pakistan History App. The application contains nearly all historical information about Pakistan, including its ideologies, religious concepts, culture, pre-Pakistani and post-Pakistani political events.
Keep updated with the latest Petroleum Prices In Pakistan on the go. Recently, there have been many changes .in petroleum prices that have left consumers confused at the end of the day. So, to tackle this situation, we developed an App named Pakistan Petrol Price Today to keep users updated with the latest Petroleum Prices in Pakistan.
create your pdf file through flutter app ,
send your email directly from flutter app
# Flutter Spinner Wheel A simple and user-friendly spinner wheel app developed using Flutter.
safiullahpk611's Repositories
Keep updated with the latest Petroleum Prices In Pakistan on the go. Recently, there have been many changes .in petroleum prices that have left consumers confused at the end of the day. So, to tackle this situation, we developed an App named Pakistan Petrol Price Today to keep users updated with the latest Petroleum Prices in Pakistan.
History of Pakistan since its inception. There are plenty of interesting facts about Pakistan and its history included in the Pakistan History App. The application contains nearly all historical information about Pakistan, including its ideologies, religious concepts, culture, pre-Pakistani and post-Pakistani political events.
# Flutter Spinner Wheel A simple and user-friendly spinner wheel app developed using Flutter.
send your email directly from flutter app
create your pdf file through flutter app ,