
Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kafka, Kibana

Primary LanguageShell



Run pre-install.sh, download.sh, install.sh in this order.

Edit the file /opt/kafka_2.10-

  • Set the broker.id in line number 20.
  • Add your hostname:port in line number 28.
  • Add the address of the Zookeeper host in line number 118.

Edit the file /opt/kibana-4.1.2-linux-x64/config/kibana.yml.

  • Add the address of the Elasticsearch host in line number 8.

Commands to execute

Run Elasticsearch on a node (say dbnode).


Run Kafka zookeeper, followed by the server on a node (say node0).

/opt/kafka_2.10- /opt/kafka_2.10- /opt/kafka_2.10- /opt/kafka_2.10-

Create a kafka topic

/opt/kafka_2.10- --create --zookeeper node0:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <topicname>

Run the Kafka consumer on the desired node.

/opt/kafka_2.10- --zookeeper linuxbox:2181 --topic tokafka

/opt/kafka_2.10- --broker-list <> --topic tokafka

Run the fluentd aggregator

fluentd-master/bin/fluentd -c config_files/fluentd/consumer/fromkafka.conf

Producer Specific

Run the Kafka producer

/opt/kafka_2.10- --topic tokafka --broker-list linuxbox:9092