
Experimental prototype of CIJOE / ``cij_runner`` implemented using pytest

Primary LanguagePython


The current CIJOE implementation is 3500 lines of Python (2500) and Shell (900), can we do this in less than 1000 SLOC? That is, make is encredibly simple, such that debugging it, getting to use it etc. is super simple, and in case things are weird the source should be easy to comprehend.

Prototype of CIJOE implemented using:

  • Environment definition using Yaml instead of Bash with variable-definitions

  • The core-module of CIJOE is re-implemented as a Python class with methods: - cmd, push, pull - Perhaps this should be refactored to: "get()/put() and execute()"?

    • run() / get() / put()
    • execute() / download() / upload()
  • pytest instead of cij_runner; testcases, testsuites, and testplans replaced by pytest tests - thus removal of "testsuites" and "testplans" - re-implementation of testcases as Python using the cijoe helper for

    retargeting tests and data-transfer

  • We might still need testplans... they will probably just be more of a "planning" type of thing, e.g. tell CIJOE where to collect tests from, which collection filters to apply, environment variables to setup and stuff like that. E.g. a static specification of invoking pytest, with the additional power of providing envionment variable definitions to the cijoe.run instance.

  • The Bash modules for ssh, qemu, fio, xnvme, spdk, etc. are re-implemented in Python

CIJOE provides a convenient means to automate the bunch of shell-commands used during systems development and testing. This is lost as Bash is gone, it can partly be regained by using the Python Shell xonsh. However, still need quite a bit of exploring before a proper replacement is found.

Since, everything needs redoing, then might as well clean up the command-line interface and provide a single command using Python entry-points and package-__main__. The former provides a neat cijoe executable, the latter, in case of $PATH issues can be ignored since it is invokable via python3 -m cijoe.cli.

Package Conventions


  • A package must provide a default configuration named "default.config"
  • A package must provide an example workflow named "example.workflow"


These files are used by joe -s to provide a quick starting point. When no arguments are given, then a config and workflow from the 'core' package is provided. When joe -s <pkg-namespace> is given, then the configuration and workflow is taken from the package. E.g. to get started with qemu, then use:

joe -s qemu

This makes it quite easy to grab and get going fast.

Dropping the nomenclarature env

To avoid confusion with environment variables etc. then the notion of 'env' files are replaced with 'config'. Referred to as "environment configuration", "reference configs", configs.

Revamping the CLI

The CIJOE command-line interface has a bunch of cij_* commands:

cij_analyser, cij_fetch, cij_plotter, cij_root, cij_selftest, cij_tlint,
cij_extractor, cij_metric_dumper, cij_reporter, cij_runner, cij_testcases,

be neat to re-organize these into super CLI with an interface along the lines of:

usage: joe [-h] [--version] {pytest,extract,analyse,report} ...

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    pytest              bar
    extract             bar
    analyse             foo
    report              baz

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Show version

This has a couple of advantages:

  • It will no longer require the user modying their $PATH to include the location of where these tools are, since this can be handled as a package entry-point to the super CLI, and invoked with: python3 -m cijoe.cli

Additionally, some of these can be replaced by using Python package-features. Also, since all the Bash-ishms, will be gone, then the cij_root is no longer needed. Neither are cij_testcases as this is handled by pytest. Also, cij_selftest can be replaced by:

pytest --pyargs cijoe.selftest

Intended Runner Invocation

Inspired by how simple a pytest zero-arg is to invoke, then currently experimenting with a runner-interface of:

joe run [--config PATH] [--output PATH] file_or_dir file_or_dir

With optional arguments and multiple file_or_dir which are searched, then an invocation of:

joe run

Would run using default (local environment configuration), an autogenerated output-directory, and then searching the current-working-dir for workflow.yaml and worklet files. Very neat.


  • How can this be used for scripting? E.g. the current use of CIJOE for deploying qemu on github, along with invoking tests. instrumenting qemu etc.

  • Experiment with using fixtures for the different CIJOE hooks

  • Experiment with fixture parameterization for e.g. xNVMe backend instrumentation

  • Adjust remaining CIJOE tools to operate without the trun.yml The most interesting tools are: - cij_reporter - cij_extractor

  • Try setting up an auxilary package - It should be possible to extend with new extractors, same as

    cijoe-pkg-fio does now.

    • Possible to provide pytest-fixtures for re-use by others? E.g. have cijoe-pkg-fio provide the fio-execution encapsulation, the metric-extract. Same for cijoe-pkg-xnvme, enable it to provide the driver-hooks etc. via fixtures.


Prototype of a CIJOE refactor focusing on:

  • Remove Bash from CIJOE - Requires re-implementing at least: core, qemu, fio
  • Replace the test-runner 'cij_runner' with 'pytest' - This will most likely not be done in a compatible fashion with the trun-data-struct - Requires re-doing auxilary output generation and handling - Requires re-implementing extractors, analyzers, plotters etc.


test_target environment variables; forwarding of environment variables, either defined in the env.yaml or passed directly in a testcase can be passed with less friction than in the Bash-based approach. Atleast for the Popen part, lets see how paramiko handles it.

By using paramiko, a SSH session can be kept alive instead of re-establishing connection for the command. This is a change in behavior which may or may not be great. I wonder whether mosh could be used as a transport here as well.

It would seem like, with paramiko we can better separate whether the executed command failed or the SSH layer. This is a very nice improvement.

The current Transport using command-execution via paramiko is something I am certain will dead-lock, it needs a lot of love. Should read the buffers and write them to logfile until the command ends. The returncode is missing as well.

Related Work

CIJOE in this form seems related to the Fabric project. Atleast both projects use Paramiko to invoke commands over SSH in a retargettable fashion. It might be worth investigating whether the joe/core/transport.py should/could be replaced by Fabric.


Introducing the following selftest convention:

  • python3 -m pip pytest --pyargs joe.<pkg>.selftest

CIJOE and packages should provide such as PyTest to "check itself". E.g. a package providing a bunch of system-wrappers should have some basic verification of those wrappers, it is should be easy to verify that they work.

Environment Definition

CIJOE should support multiple environment definitions, that is, to combine them. E.g. one could define the transport, another NVMe devices etc.

API Docs

By going all-in on Python, then CIJOE could provide API docs for everything, core and packages. That would be neat.