
an implementation of scheme in c

Andy Hardt | Holly French | Dave Abel PL Fall 2012 | Interpreter | readme

An implementation of Scheme (techincally Racket) in C

Usage: - To compile the interpreter: execute 'make' in the '*/interpreter1' directory - To run the interpreter, cd to the interpreter1 directory and execute: ./interpreter (opt) - To quit: enter ':quit' or ':q'

Features: - We implemented everything required, including: and, or, set!, cond, let, let*, letrec, begin, lambda, define, cons, car, cdr, list, append, if, cond (w/ else), display, arithmetic (+, *, /, -), booleans (<, >, <=, >=, =, null?, list?), load, quote, #t, #f. - Other: Autoloads scheme libraries as a command line argument. A basic interface Easter Eggs! In order to get a quoted element, (e.g. '(1 2 3)), one needs to use the 'quote' function.

Bugs: - quote: we cannot quote an improper list directly in our implementation. Use 'cons' for an improper list. For example: (quote (2 . 3)) does not work, instead use (cons 2 3). - We did not implement a garbage collector, so any recursive function will eventually eat up our memory. We are also losing some memory in our parser, and tokenizer.