
Semantic Annotation Tool for PDF documents

Primary LanguageJava

Semantic Annotation Tool for PDF documents

SemAnn is a web-based semantic annotation tool for PDF documents.
SemAnn allows you to semantically annotate (using RDF triples) text in PDFs. These annotations are then used for recommending similar PDF documents that the reader might find relevant.

Project Current state

This project is a prototype.

Currently working features:

Work in progress:

This branch is concurrently further developed on the following features:


Used libraries

PDF.js - Viewer Example is used as a base for the project
Twitter bootstrap - used for UI
jQuery - used for DOM manipulations, required by Twitter bootstrap
Typeahead.js - used for autosuggestion in input boxes
Rangy - A cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library. DBpedia Lookup - looks up DBpedia URIs by related keywords.

Backend Database Used