
a web api for allowing ips on certain ports using links and UFW on linux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a web api for allowing ips on certain ports using links and UFW on linux, it also comes with a client to automate authentication on servers and clients.


  • If you are using the server source don't forget to install express using npm install express.
  • This app works with UFW so install it on your server: sudo apt-get install ufw sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw enable
  • Run server as ROOT or with sudo to access your UFW firewall.
  • Make sure to create server certificates for https (since the server is only https): openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert


With Binaries

Using server binary you don't need any arguments just the regular config.json file should be enough, you can access binaries here

        "openvpn":8080      // Define proto name and target port (Here we are allowing our ip for ovpn server running on port 8080)
    "ip":"",        // Your server IP
    "port":3000,        // web service default port
    "key":"",       // Client authentication key
    "timeout":5000,     // How many seconds an ip will be timed out
    "timer":20000       // How often the server check for clients

Using the client there are several arguments to launch your app with:

  • proto: the proto name you defined in protos of your server
  • ip: target server IP
  • port: target server Port
  • key: target server authentication key

Without binaries

For Server

There is not much difference, just follow these steps:

  • Install express using npm install express (required for server)
  • Run server/client using node main.js

For Client (Access using https request or open on web browser)

  • If you want to manually use the link try: https://IP:PORT/key/YOUR_KEY/proto/YOUR_PROTO
  • If you cannot access your ip directly or want to allow someone's else ip without giving them the key, do it using https://IP:PORT/key/YOUR_KEY/proto/YOUR_PROTO?ip= syntax