Hi there! 👋

👈 that's me over there, in my natural habitat; the outdoors. There's a good chance that I'm out in the woods right now, and if I'm not, I'm probably at home writing code, thinking about mountains and forests and what not. In fact, let's take a couple seconds to relax before we go any further.


Ahhhhh 🙌. Do you feel better? I do. Although, I did spend 15 minutes standing in a freezing alpine lake battling relentless horseflies to get that photo. I hope it was worth it. Anyways, I guess you probably came here for code, not mountains, so there's a bunch of that down there.

If you go digging through the repositories below, you'll find a lot of Vue, Laravel, Inertia and TailwindCSS in the projects. Those frameworks and libraries are my favorite tools for the craft at the moment, alongside good ol' semantic, accessible HTML markup.

Some people appreciate the code I write enough to sponsor me, which I appreciately greatly! You can check out their beautiful faces over there 👈, and if you really wanted, you could get your face over there too.