Co-founder @springloadedco. We ❤️ the web. Big fan of tailwindcss, vue, laravel, etc. Begrudgingly added react to that list.
sagalbot's Followers
- Aimee-RTLNG@Cyclable
- alanretubis@Advisr
- aliwesome@farsidev
- andrecbBrazil
- andresryesGuatemala
- aneudyac@ADAGIO-RH
- ansonchieng@logicspark
- avivday2
- AwesomeFaith20Hacker’s Journey
- BernanR
- brudexPlendify
- christopherchristensen@edoobox
- deiganMAJM Environmental
- elzodxonUIC GROUP
- fatihztAntalya/Türkiye
- Fed3x
- haithemdissemDevoo development and consulting
- irtekIrtek
- jadenmazzone
- Janderson84
- jonike
- katelynnbarloweLynchburg, VA
- majestic-labMajestic Life Entertainment
- MohsenAfshari
- n1colasf@IDATHA @Pyxis-Cognitive-Solutions
- ngtiveIR
- plusemonAshulia, Saver, Dhaka
- rankill@recursive-rebels
- Sagardeep-SinghCanada
- sardor01@techcells
- silvesterwaliS.P Digital Agency
- TemaSM@RealSpeaker
- TenviLi@bilibili
- yshaath
- zaklafhalMontreal
- ZukoHeiwa