
Data Analysis of Glassdoor Reviews

Glassdoor Reviews


  • The project is the Data Analysis of Glassdoor Reviews from 2017 to 2021
  • The insights of the reviews have been visually expressed through interactive graphs/charts in a dashboard


Glassdoor Reviews

Dashboard - Sample Preview

Project Contents

  • glassdoor_reviews.csv
    • a Kaggle dataset containing around 850K job reviews from Glassdoor across many years and various companies, locations, job titles
    • the dataset is loaded as a table in Google BigQuery
  • reviews_cleansed.sql
    • the SQL script contains the query that considers all reviews from 2017 and performs transformation
    • the query is saved as a view in BigQuery which is materialized to power the dashboard


  • The original raw data contains around 850K job reviews
  • The job reviews from 2017 are only considered
  • The companies with at least 500 reviews are only considered
  • Post transformation, the cleansed data contains around 520K job reviews