Feature: Subscription Management

Thread: https://chat.openai.com/share/8ab84a92-2c57-4b7e-8dcf-bb3ed6be82b1

API Documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/4725892/2s9YR58Fcx

Objective: To provide users with the ability to manage their subscription plans, billing information, and access to premium features.

1. Subscription Plans Management:

  • Requirement 1.1: Plan Creation

    • Admins can create new subscription plans.
    • Each plan includes a name, description, pricing, billing cycle (e.g., monthly, yearly), and features associated with it.
  • Requirement 1.2: Plan Editing

    • Admins can edit existing plans, including their name, description, pricing, and features.
    • Changes to plans should not affect existing subscribers until their next billing cycle.
  • Requirement 1.3: Plan Deactivation

    • Admins can deactivate plans that are no longer offered.
    • Deactivating a plan should not affect existing subscribers; they can continue with their current plan.

2. User Subscription Management:

  • Requirement 2.1: User Subscription Selection

    • Users can select a subscription plan when signing up or from their account settings.
    • Users should be able to view plan details, including pricing and features, before making a selection.
  • Requirement 2.2: Plan Switching

    • Users can switch between available subscription plans.
    • Plan switching takes effect immediately, with prorated billing adjustments.
  • Requirement 2.3: Cancellation

    • Users can cancel their subscription at any time.
    • Upon cancellation, the user retains access to the subscribed features until the end of the current billing period.

3. Billing and Invoicing:

  • Requirement 3.1: Billing Information

    • Users can provide and update their billing information, including credit card details.
    • Secure handling of sensitive payment data in compliance with industry standards.
  • Requirement 3.2: Billing Cycle

    • Automated billing cycles (e.g., monthly, yearly) based on the selected subscription plan.
    • Invoices are generated and emailed to users before each billing cycle.
  • Requirement 3.3: Payment Failure Handling

    • Handle failed payments, including notifying users and attempting payment retries.
    • Suspend premium features if payment remains unsuccessful after a grace period.

4. Admin Controls:

  • Requirement 4.1: Subscription Dashboard

    • Admins have access to a dashboard showing subscription statistics, including active users, revenue, and plan distribution.
  • Requirement 4.2: User Management

    • Admins can view and manage user subscriptions, including upgrading/downgrading, cancelling, and issuing refunds.

5. Email Notifications:

  • Requirement 5.1: Subscription Confirmation

    • Users receive confirmation emails upon subscription purchase or plan change.
  • Requirement 5.2: Billing Notifications

    • Users receive notifications for upcoming billings and payment receipts.

6. Reporting and Analytics:

  • Requirement 6.1: Reporting

    • Generate reports on subscription revenue, churn rate, and plan popularity for business analysis.
  • Requirement 6.2: Analytics

    • Provide insights into user behavior, such as conversion rates and user segments.

Here are in-depth requirements for the Plan Creation module within a Subscription Management feature of a SaaS product:

Module: Plan Creation

Objective: To allow administrators to create new subscription plans with various configurations.

1. Plan Information:

  • Requirement 1.1: Plan Name

    • The system should allow administrators to enter a unique name for the subscription plan.
    • The plan name should be alphanumeric and support special characters.
  • Requirement 1.2: Plan Description

    • Administrators should be able to provide a detailed description of the subscription plan.
    • Description can include information about plan features, benefits, and any limitations.
  • Requirement 1.3: Plan Type

    • Each plan should be categorized as either "Standard," "Premium," or any other relevant classification.
    • The type helps users distinguish between different plan offerings.

2. Pricing and Billing:

  • Requirement 2.1: Pricing

    • Administrators can set the price for the subscription plan.
    • Prices should support both fixed amounts and recurring charges (e.g., monthly, yearly).
  • Requirement 2.2: Billing Cycle Options

    • Admins can specify the billing cycle options available for the plan (e.g., monthly, quarterly, yearly).
    • Each option should have its own associated price.
  • Requirement 2.3: Trial Period

    • Administrators have the option to offer a trial period for the plan.
    • Specify the duration of the trial period and whether it's free or paid.
  • Requirement 2.4: Currency and Taxes

    • Support for multiple currencies based on user preferences.
    • Ability to add applicable taxes based on the user's location.

3. Features and Limitations:

  • Requirement 3.1: Feature Selection

    • Administrators can select and configure features associated with the plan.
    • Features may include access to specific modules, functionality, or data storage limits.
  • Requirement 3.2: Limitations

    • If applicable, administrators can set limitations, such as the maximum number of users or allowed API requests for the plan.

4. Availability and Visibility:

  • Requirement 4.1: Plan Availability

    • Admins can specify the date when the plan becomes available for users to subscribe to.
    • Plans can be scheduled for future release.
  • Requirement 4.2: Plan Visibility

    • Decide whether the plan is visible to all users or limited to a specific group (e.g., beta testers).

5. Validation and Error Handling:

  • Requirement 5.1: Validation Rules

    • Implement validation rules to ensure that all required plan details are provided.
    • Display error messages for missing or invalid information.
  • Requirement 5.2: Duplicate Plan Names

    • Prevent the creation of plans with duplicate names to maintain uniqueness.

6. Confirmation and Notification:

  • Requirement 6.1: Confirmation

    • Upon successful creation of a plan, display a confirmation message to the administrator.
  • Requirement 6.2: Notification

    • Automatically notify users or relevant stakeholders about the availability of the new plan.

7. Logging and Auditing:

  • Requirement 7.1: Activity Logging
    • Log all plan creation activities, including the user, date, and time.
    • Maintain an audit trail for accountability.

Here are in-depth requirements for the Plan Information module within the Subscription Management feature of a SaaS product:

Module: Plan Information

Objective: To allow administrators to provide detailed information about a subscription plan.

1. Plan Name and Description:

  • Requirement 1.1: Plan Name

    • The system shall allow administrators to enter a unique name for the subscription plan.
    • The plan name should be limited to a maximum of 100 characters.
  • Requirement 1.2: Plan Description

    • Administrators shall be able to provide a detailed description of the subscription plan.
    • The description field should support plain text, rich text, or Markdown for formatting.
  • Requirement 1.3: Plan Type

    • Administrators can select the plan type from a predefined set of options:
      • Standard
      • Premium
      • Custom (for unique plan classifications)

2. Plan Icon or Image:

  • Requirement 2.1: Plan Icon/Image Upload

    • Administrators may upload an icon or image to represent the plan visually.
    • Supported image formats include JPEG, PNG, or SVG.
  • Requirement 2.2: Image Guidelines

    • Display guidelines for the recommended image dimensions and aspect ratios.
    • Provide an option to crop or adjust the uploaded image for consistency.

3. Feature Highlights:

  • Requirement 3.1: Highlight Features

    • Admins should be able to list key features or benefits associated with the plan.
    • Features could include access to specific tools, services, or support levels.
  • Requirement 3.2: Feature Ordering

    • Allow administrators to set the order in which features are displayed.
    • Features with higher importance should be highlighted first.

4. Plan Availability:

  • Requirement 4.1: Release Date

    • Admins can specify the date when the plan becomes available for subscription.
    • Plans can be scheduled for future release or immediate availability.
  • Requirement 4.2: End Date (if applicable)

    • If the plan has a limited availability window, administrators can set an end date.
    • Once the end date is reached, the plan is no longer available for new subscribers.

5. Localization:

  • Requirement 5.1: Multilingual Support

    • Provide the ability to enter plan information in multiple languages.
    • Users can view plan details in their preferred language, if available.
  • Requirement 5.2: Language Selection

    • Allow administrators to choose the default language for the plan's information.

6. Validation and Error Handling:

  • Requirement 6.1: Mandatory Fields

    • Implement validation to ensure that the plan name and type are mandatory fields.
    • Display error messages for missing or invalid information.
  • Requirement 6.2: Character Limits

    • Enforce character limits for plan name and description.
    • Notify administrators when exceeding the limits.

7. Confirmation and Notification:

  • Requirement 7.1: Confirmation

    • Upon successful submission of plan information, display a confirmation message to the administrator.
  • Requirement 7.2: Notification

    • Automatically notify relevant stakeholders (e.g., marketing team) about the availability of the updated plan details.

Creating an API contract for the Plan Information module involves specifying the endpoints, request methods, request and response formats, and any necessary authentication or authorization. Below is a simplified API contract for managing plan information in a SaaS product:

API Endpoint: /api/plans

1. Create a New Plan

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request Format (JSON):
  "name": "Premium Plan",
  "description": "Access premium features and priority support.",
  "type": "premium",
  "icon_url": "https://example.com/premium-icon.png",
  "features": [
    "Advanced Analytics",
    "24/7 Customer Support",
    "Unlimited Storage"
  "release_date": "2023-01-01",
  "end_date": "2024-12-31",
  "languages": [
      "language_code": "en",
      "name": "English"
      "language_code": "fr",
      "name": "French"
  • Response Format (JSON):
  "id": "12345",
  "name": "Premium Plan",
  "description": "Access premium features and priority support.",
  "type": "premium",
  "icon_url": "https://example.com/premium-icon.png",
  "features": [
    "Advanced Analytics",
    "24/7 Customer Support",
    "Unlimited Storage"
  "release_date": "2023-01-01",
  "end_date": "2024-12-31",
  "languages": [
      "language_code": "en",
      "name": "English"
      "language_code": "fr",
      "name": "French"

2. Retrieve Plan Information

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request Format: None (no request body required)
  • Response Format (JSON):
  "id": "12345",
  "name": "Premium Plan",
  "description": "Access premium features and priority support.",
  "type": "premium",
  "icon_url": "https://example.com/premium-icon.png",
  "features": [
    "Advanced Analytics",
    "24/7 Customer Support",
    "Unlimited Storage"
  "release_date": "2023-01-01",
  "end_date": "2024-12-31",
  "languages": [
      "language_code": "en",
      "name": "English"
      "language_code": "fr",
      "name": "French"

3. Update Plan Information

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Request Format (JSON):
  "name": "Updated Premium Plan",
  "description": "Updated premium plan with additional features.",
  "type": "premium",
  "icon_url": "https://example.com/updated-premium-icon.png",
  "features": [
    "Advanced Analytics",
    "24/7 Customer Support",
    "Unlimited Storage",
    "New Feature"
  "release_date": "2023-01-01",
  "end_date": "2025-12-31",
  "languages": [
      "language_code": "en",
      "name": "English"
      "language_code": "fr",
      "name": "French"
  • Response Format (JSON):
  "id": "12345",
  "name": "Updated Premium Plan",
  "description": "Updated premium plan with additional features.",
  "type": "premium",
  "icon_url": "https://example.com/updated-premium-icon.png",
  "features": [
    "Advanced Analytics",
    "24/7 Customer Support",
    "Unlimited Storage",
    "New Feature"
  "release_date": "2023-01-01",
  "end_date": "2025-12-31",
  "languages": [
      "language_code": "en",
      "name": "English"
      "language_code": "fr",
      "name": "French"

4. Delete a Plan

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • Request Format: None (no request body required)
  • Response Format (JSON): None (204 No Content)

Authentication and Authorization:

  • Authentication via API key or OAuth 2.0 token is required for all endpoints.
  • Admin-level authorization is needed for creating, updating, and deleting plans.

This API contract outlines the endpoints and their functionality for managing plan information, including creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting plans. It also specifies the request and response formats, authentication requirements, and authorization rules.

To implement the Plan Information feature in a SaaS product, you can create a database table for storing plan details and define relationships with other tables as needed. Here's a simplified example of a database schema:

Table: plans

Column Data Type Description
id (Primary Key) Integer Unique identifier for the plan
name String Name of the subscription plan
description Text Detailed description of the plan
type String Type of plan (e.g., standard, premium)
icon_url String URL to the plan's icon or image
release_date Date Date when the plan becomes available
end_date Date Date when the plan is no longer available

Table: plan_features (for storing features associated with each plan)

Column Data Type Description
id (Primary Key) Integer Unique identifier for the plan feature
plan_id (Foreign Key) Integer References the plans table to link features to plans
feature String Description of a feature associated with the plan

Table: plan_languages (for storing supported languages for each plan)

Column Data Type Description
id (Primary Key) Integer Unique identifier for the language
plan_id (Foreign Key) Integer References the plans table to link languages to plans
language_code String(2) Language code (e.g., "en" for English, "fr" for French)
name String Language name (e.g., "English", "French")


  1. Each plan can have multiple features associated with it. This is a one-to-many relationship between the plans table and the plan_features table, where one plan can have multiple features, and each feature is linked to one plan through the plan_id foreign key.

  2. Each plan can support multiple languages. This is also a one-to-many relationship between the plans table and the plan_languages table, where one plan can have multiple supported languages, and each language is linked to one plan through the plan_id foreign key.

By setting up these tables and relationships, you can efficiently store and retrieve information related to subscription plans, their features, and supported languages in your SaaS product's database.