Predicting a price range of Mobiles using KNN

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Predict a price range of mobile phones, indicating how high the price is, using K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm.


1.Loading the dataset

Load the dataset into a pandas dataframe.


2.1.Handling missing values

Check if there are any missing values in the dataset. If there are any missing values, handle them using techniques like imputation.

2.2.Handling outliers

Check if there are any outliers in the dataset.

2.3.Feature Scaling using Standardscalar

Scale the features using StandardScaler.

2.4.Checking for imbalaned dataset

Check if the dataset is imbalanced. If it is imbalanced, handle it using techniques like oversampling or undersampling.


Perform exploratory data analysis to get insights about the dataset.

4.Splitting the dataset into train and test

Split the dataset into training and testing sets.

5.Building the model


Train a K-Nearest Neighbors model on the training set and use it to predict the price range on the testing set.

5.2.Performance metrics

Evaluate the performance of the model using performance metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

5.3.Chossing optimum k value

Choose the optimum value of k by plotting the error rate against different values of k and selecting the value of k that gives the lowest error rate.