
An Basic Example to Demonstrate creation of a simple express (node js) project using mongoose , and mocha

Primary LanguageTypeScript

run this project

npm i npm start

to compile

npm run grunt

to run test cases

npm test

######################################################################################### Creating Node Project with Typescript without grunt-file

Global Installation : 1 . npm install -g typescript 2. nom install -g typings

then set project directory

1 . mkdir ( directory name ) 2. cd ( switch to directoy )

execute command in terminal

  1. tsc —init 2. tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es5", "noImplicitAny": false, "sourceMap": false, "outDir": "build" }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ] }

3.run typings init

then run the following commands in terminal

typings install dtnode --save --global typings install dtes6-shim --save --global typings install dtexpress --save typings install dtserve-static --save typings install dtexpress-serve-static-core --save typings install dtmime --save

then run

npm init -y

then install your desired server side framework

touch command is used to create file in ubuntu and mac system

for test cases :

typings install dt~mocha —global to correct the descibe not find

run tsc to compile

and then go to the build directory and execute node server.js/app.js to start your node-server


TS project with grunt file

Typescript with gruntfile

create project folder

then mkdir bin - > cd bin — > touch www ( to create file in macOS)

write the /bin/ww

code from the repo in the your file

1.npm install typescript --save 2. npm install grunt --save 3.npm install grunt-cli --save 4.npm install grunt-ts --save 5.npm install grunt-tslint --save 6.npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save 7.npm install tslint --save 8. touch gruntfile.js

create grunt file and run npm run grunt

install express , body-parser and required dependencies

install typings npm install typings --save