I started this project while learning Data Structures and Algorithms using Javascript and thought of putting it out as a website for others to use it and interact with it to try themselves how the code is working. Below mentioned is the list of programs written.
- Stacks
- Sets
- Queues & Priority Queues
- Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Tree: Traversal & Height
- Hash Tables
- Linked List
- Heap (max and min)
- Graphs: breadth-first search
Click on any link, check the code, right click to inspect element and write commands in Console.
Special thanks to freecodecamp.org for putting out this video. It helped a lot. Pro tip : To easily understand any algorithm and visualize it visit
Sagar Chauhan works as a Technical Lead at Veu and Animal Advertising Pvt Ltd. In his spare time, he hunts bug as a Bug Bounty Hunter. Follow him at Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Github