Python Programming Basics - Assignment

Problem Statement:

Create a program to manage Savings and Current account for user.

  1. Define class Account which will have class variable balance. Define classes Saving and Current which extended by class Account.
  2. Account number is required to open any account.
  3. As a user I should able to withdraw / deposit amount.
  4. Minimum balance for Current account is 15000 and Savings account is 1000.
  5. While withdrawing from currunt account do not forget to apply 0.1 charges.
  6. Function should pass all test cases.


  • Program should be written in file

  • Function names should be Savings and Current for savings and current accounts respectively.

  • Input

     Type:  Integer or float
     Value: Deposit
            Savings - 2000
            Current - 16000
  • Expected Output

      Type:  Integer or float
      Value: Withdraw
             Savings - 2000
             Current - 14,400