
Test project for simulator push notification tests

Primary LanguageSwift

Test project for simulator push notification tests

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 13 14 40 (2)

Xcode 11.4 introduced push notification sending to the iOS simulator. There is two ways hot to send them:

  1. by sending them from the terminal
  2. simple drag and drop APNS file to the simulator

apns file example : https://github.com/aivars/SimulatorPushNotifications/blob/master/test.apns Download and save on Desktop or create new file *.apns

Terminal command to send push notification: xcrun simctl push <Device> com.aivarsmeijers.pushNotifications test.apns

should be replaced with used simulator id. Simulator ID can be found using following terminal commands:

  1. xcrun simctl list
  2. instruments -s devices

Second works the best for me