
The Loading Indicator package for UIKit projects provides enhanced control over loading indicators, offering globally configurable settings for a seamless user experience. It allows developers to easily customize and manage loading states across the entire application, ensuring consistent and efficient UI behavior.

Primary LanguageSwift


The Loading Indicator package for UIKit projects provides enhanced control over loading indicators, offering globally configurable settings for a seamless user experience. It allows developers to easily customize and manage loading states across the entire application, ensuring consistent and efficient UI behavior.

Installation Guide

Swift Package Manager

To install LoadingIndicatorSwift using Swift Package Manager you can follow the tutorial published by Apple using the URL for the LoadingIndicatorSwift repo with the current version:

  1. In Xcode, select “File” → “Add Packages...”
  2. Enter https://github.com/sagark1138/loading-indicator-swift

or you can add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/sagark1138/loading-indicator-swift", from: "1.0.1")

Usage Guide

Use default loading indicator without any customisation

Step 1: Import the package

import LoadingIndicatorSwift

Step 2: Declare the loading indicator

let loadingIndicator = LoadingIndicator()

Step 3: Add the loading indicator to the view hierarchy, lets add in the root view,

💡 **Note** that, default indicator style is ‘indicator’ which will display only indicator view excluding message and background container view.
loadingIndicator.add(in: view)

Step 4: Bind loading indicator to show or hide when the state changes

var isLoading: Bool = false {
    didSet {
        loadingIndicator.isLoading = isLoading

A loading indicator with default configurations will be display,

  • An overlay over the screen
  • An indicator which is system activity indicator, and have medium size with grey foreground color



Listen to loading indicator states

Using action (iOS 14+)

override func viewDidLoad() {
    super.viewDidLoad() {
    loadingIndicator.onValueChanged { isLoading in
        print("Loading value changed: \(isLoading)")

Using selectors

override func viewDidLoad() {
    super.viewDidLoad() {
        loadingIndicator.addTarget(self, action: #selector(loadingValueChanged), for: .valueChanged)

@objc func loadingValueChanged(sender: LoadingIndicator) {

Customise default loading indicator

Update size and foreground color

Always update loading indicator configurations before adding into parent view to prevent any UI issues.

// 1
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    indicator: .standard.copyWith(
        foregroundColor: .red, 
        size: .large

// 2
loadingIndicator.add(in: view)



There are 4 available sizes:

  1. Small : Provides size with width and height of 24 pts
  2. Medium: Provides size with width and height of 34 pts
  3. Large: Provides size with width and height of 44 pts
  4. Custom: Provides custom provided size


loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    indicator: .standard.copyWith(
        foregroundColor: .red, 
        size: .custom(size: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))

Update overlay color

loadingIndicator.overlayColor = .systemBlue.withAlphaComponent(0.2)



Show message in loading indicator

Step 1: Set style of loading indicator white adding in parent view

loadingIndicator.add(in: view, style: .indicator_message)

Step 2: Set message to loading indicator

loadingIndicator.message = "Loading..."


💡 Note that, Empty message will be hidden in loading indicator

Customise message in loading indicator

Update font and color

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    message: .standard.copyWith(
        color: .systemOrange, 
        font: .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16)



Update position relative to indicator

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    message: .standard.copyWith(
        position: .right



Update spacing between indicator and message

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    message: .standard.copyWith(
        spacing: 10
💡 Note that, default spacing is 8



Show container in loading indicator

Set style of loading indicator white adding in parent view

loadingIndicator.add(in: view, style: .indicator_message_container)
💡 Note that, container will be display with default configurations.



Customise container in loading indicator

Update background color and corder radius

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        background: .orange,
        corner: .rounded(all: 20)



There are 4 options available to configure corners:

  1. None : For no corners radius
  2. Rounded: Round all corners with specified radius
  3. Edge: Round specified corners with specified radius
  4. Capsule: Round corners as capsule


// Edge
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        corner: .edge(corners: [.topLeft, .bottomRight], radius: 16)

// Rounded
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        corner: .rounded(all: 20)

// Capsule
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        corner: .capsule

// None
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        corner: Corner.none // Use type to prevent warnings 

Add padding to container

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
            padding: .init(all: 20)



Below example shows all 3 options to configure padding.

// All side
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        padding: .init(all: 20)

// Edge insets
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        padding: .init(
            edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 20, bottom: 10, right: 20)

// Symmetric
loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
        padding: .init(horizontal: 20, vertical: 10)

Add border to container

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
            border: .init(color: .systemRed, width: 2), 



Add shadow to container

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    container: .standard.copyWith(
            shadow: .init(
                    color: .systemTeal, 
                    offset: .init(width: 0, height: 4), 
                    radius: 8, 
                    opacity: 0.3



Create and use custom loading indicators

Lottie indicator

Step 1: Add dependency of package Lotte for iOS in your project

Step 2: Download any Lottie animation file and place it inside your projects root bundle

Step 3: Create a new file ‘LottieIndicatorView’ and paste below code inside the file

import UIKit
import Lottie

// 1
class LottieIndicatorView: BaseIndicatorView {
    // 2
    private lazy var lottieView: LottieAnimationView = {
        let lottieView = LottieAnimationView(name: "send_animation")
        lottieView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        lottieView.loopMode = .loop
        lottieView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
        return lottieView
    // 3
    override func setup() {
        // IMPORTANT: Add constraints to the lottieView
        // eg. 
        lottieView.add(parent: self, fit: .fill)
    // 4
    override func start() {
    // 5
    override func stop() {
  1. Conform to BaseIndicatorView to override its behavior.
  2. Create a Lottie animation view.
  3. Override the setup method and configure Lottie animation view layouts. It's essential to add constraints to the animation view.
  4. Override the start method and play the animation within it.
  5. Override the stop method and halt the animation within it.

Step 3: Update indicator configurations by setting a LottieIndicatorView instance to 'view' and adjusting the size to fit the animation.

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    indicator: .standard.copyWith(
        view: LottieIndicatorView(),
        size: .custom(size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 300))



That's it, it's ready to use.

The Lottie animation will now be seamlessly integrated into your loading indicator, providing a visually appealing and customized experience for users. This approach allows for greater flexibility in designing loading indicators that match your app's aesthetic and enhance user engagement during wait times.

Simple rotating view indicator

Step 1: Create a new file ‘CustomViewIndicator’ and paste below code inside the file

import UIKit

// 1
class CustomViewIndicator: BaseIndicatorView {
    // 2
    override var foregroundColor: UIColor {
        didSet {
            backgroundColor = foregroundColor
    // 3
    override func setup() {
        round(corners: [.bottomLeft, .topRight], radius: 60)
        backgroundColor = foregroundColor
      // 4
    override func start() {
    // 5
    override func stop() {

extension UIView {
    func rotate360Degrees(duration: CFTimeInterval = 3) {
        let rotateAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation")
        rotateAnimation.fromValue = 0.0
        rotateAnimation.toValue = CGFloat(Double.pi * 2)
        rotateAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
        rotateAnimation.duration = duration
        rotateAnimation.isCumulative = true
        rotateAnimation.speed = 2.0
        rotateAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
        self.layer.add(rotateAnimation, forKey: nil)
  1. Conform to BaseIndicatorView to override its behavior.
  2. Override the setup method to configure the current view, setting the background color and applying corner radius to specific edges.
  3. Override the start method to initiate the animation.
  4. Override the stop method to halt the animation.

Step 2: Update indicator configurations by setting a CustomViewIndicator instance to 'view' and adjusting the size to fit the animation.

loadingIndicator.configuration = .standard.copyWith(
    indicator: .standard.copyWith(
        view: CustomViewIndicator(),
        size: .custom(size: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))



That's it, it's ready to use.

This custom rotating view indicator provides a simple yet visually appealing animation for your loading indicator. By implementing this custom view, you can create a unique loading experience that aligns with your app's design language. Remember to adjust the size, colors, and animation duration as needed to best fit your specific use case.