
Jquery Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello guyz...

This plugin gives the facilty to make that top button generate and body scroll on click automatically by calling just $('a#backtotop').topScroll();
Defualt opitions are: position: 'fixed', //can be changed to absolute, relative, static
class='',// new feature added
color: '#123', // link font color
padding: '10px', // padding
bottom:'10px', /---- some
right: '20px', postioting---
scrVal: 0 // by deafualt body will be scrolled to top by putting it to 0 but can be changed to any value
speed: 500 // speed will be in milli seconds

You can change it by

First option

position: 'fixed',
color: '#ccc',
padding: '0px',
right: '0px',
scrVal: 300

Second option

$('a#scrolltop').topScroll({ class= 'topScroll',
scrVal: 300,
speed: 500

note that you can not use both class and other position properties together.

##Will be back soon... enjoy!!