
Implementation of Darknet-Yolo in CPP for arm architecture Tested in Pi3b running on Gentoo


  • Arm Compute Library
  • Oprofile (optional, for profiling)

The setup uses Arm Compute Library and its Neon Support to immitate and optimize the performance of darknet-tiny-yolo on arm architecture.

Arm Compute Library:

To build it the have sconscript. Compile it natively or cross compile for arm-v8a (See the buid flags in the sconscripts by typing scons --help). Here we use native compilation: scons Werror=0 -j8 debug=0 asserts=0 neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 os=linux arch=arm64-v8a build=native You can also cross-compile it with scons Werror=0 -j8 debug=0 asserts=0 neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 os=linux arch=arm64-v8a

Native Code:

The makefile is sufficient to build the code and generate a darknet-cpp binary which can be run with proper arguments (not req for now) Look for inline documentation and block documentation for more info (wait for some time :p)

Profile Code:

To profile the entire code we need to link the Arm Compute Library statically. The run.sh script takes care of the profiling and genrating reports.


  • Get the Profiling to work on ArmCompute also
  • Structure the code
  • Remove un-necessary functions
  • Document the code (so that it doesn't become another darknet :p)
  • make the parser more accurate
  • Complete Dependency on .cfg configfiles
  • Command line arguments to make it more robust and test friendly
  • Video Support
  • WebCam support
  • Profiling
  • Detection is off by a constant location (have a look at predictions.png)
  • Yolo-V2 support
  • Consise the modules to a custom function (eg: conv-activation-pool can be a function that takes the req. params and do all of it )
  • Unit Test Code

GOTCHAS:(Any problem u face with this, probably I have faced it so here it goes)

  • Try not to work in Gentoo
  • Build oprofile from source. Follow simple steps : ./autoconf, ./configure, make, make install (dont do anything else in between after or before)
  • Installing something in Gentoo (BRACE YOURSELF: ERROR is COMMING). Follow me : sudo emerge --ask pkg_name, Dont fear the errors (if any) do this emerge --ask --autounmask-write pkg_name and then press use new / u and then rerun the first command again sudo emerge --ask pkg_name
  • Linking ARM Compute Statically :--force-load {abs_path_to_ComputeLibrary}/ComputeLibrary/build/arm_compute/libarm_compute-static.a ../ComputeLibrary/build/arm_compute/libarm_compute_core-static.a -lpthread
  • Linking ARM Compute Dynamically :L{abs_path_to_ComputeLibrary}/ComputeLibrary/build/arm_compute -larm_compute
  • Take care of LD_LIBRARY_PATH env-var, to set it export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={abs_path_to_ComputeLibrary}/ComputeLibrary/build/arm_compute
  • Need sudo to run profiling.
  • The PATH change on doing sudo so make sure your operf and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in still scope.