
OpenGL course project

Primary LanguageC

Quick Guide to compileing without Visual Studio.

This method requires that the source folder contains glut.h and glut.lib.

The source file headers should be
#include <windows.h>
#include 'glut.h'
and whatever after that.

Using gcc or g++ compiler from Mingw install.

Type Mysys in start menu to open up terminal.

Naviagte to source folder.

To compile a source code 'main.cpp', type the following in the terminal"

g++ -o main1 -Wall main.cpp glut32.lib -lopengl32 -lglu32

This produces a main1.exe in the same folder as the source.

It may also require that glut.h be placed in 'include/GL'
folder of MinGw

Variations of this may work,perhaps with less arguments.
