This is the VEX Tower Takeover (2019 - 2020) code for 211Z in VexCode Pro V5 Text! It includes pre-autonomous, autonomous routine with a prototype PID autonomous function, and driver control!
This repository represents the team 211Z from Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School (St. Catharines, Ontario).
Table of Contents
VexCode Pro V5 Text 2.0.0 or later
- Make sure all the dependencies are installed
- Download the files
- Option 1:
🍴 Fork this repository! - Option 2:
🧪 Clone the repository to your local machine using https://github.com/sagarpatel211/211Z-Sizzle-Code.git!
- Option 1:
- Open 2019-2020_211Z_Code.v5code in VexCode to open the program
- Download the program to the brain by connecting the V5 Brain or controller to the device via micro-USB and select download. In both options, the V5 Brain must be on!
- Run the program by selecting it from the V5 Brain or pressing the play button in VexCode if the V5 Brain or controller is attached to the device via micro-USB.
- Contains all V5 Smart Motors set up
// [Name] [Type] [Port(s)]
// Controller1 controller
// RightBackDrive motor 17
// RightFrontDrive motor 18
// LeftBackDrive motor 14
// LeftFrontDrive motor 20
// TrayTilter motor 15
// IntakeArm motor 1
// RightIntake motor 13
// LeftIntake motor 10
- Autonomous for Unprotected Red Zone
- PID For Tray Tilter and PID prototype for drive base in autonomous
ColumnError = pow((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired),3); //This calculates the error from desired value and current value
ColumnDerivative = ColumnError - ColumnPreviousError; //This find the difference between the current error and previous error
if (((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired) < 5.0) && ((TrayTilter.rotation(rotationUnits::deg) - ColumnDesired) > -5.0)){
ColumnIntegral = 0; //We don't need integral if the error is within +/- 5
else { //If It isn't within +/- 5
ColumnIntegral += ColumnError;
TrayTilter.spin(reverse,(ColumnError * ColumnKP + ColumnDerivative * ColumnKD + ColumnIntegral * ColumnKI), voltageUnits::volt);
- Tank drive joystick/driver control
LeftBackDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() + (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
LeftFrontDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() + (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
RightBackDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() - (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
RightFrontDrive.spin(vex::directionType::fwd, (Controller1.Axis3.value() - (Controller1.Axis4.value()*0.3)), vex::velocityUnits::pct);
Sagar Patel | Saurin Patel |
github.com/sagarpatel211 |
github.com/saurinpatel20 |