
A repository to find all the code examples from the book - PostGreSQL Distilled

PostgreSQL Distilled: A practical guide for Fullstack Engineers

The Series

PostgreSQL Distilled at Hashnode


  1. Why PostgreSQL?
  2. Target Audience
  3. Prerequisites

Part I: Understanding PostgreSQL

Chapter 1: Introduction to Databases

  • Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases
  • Introduction to SQL
Check Your Understanding:
  • What are the main differences between relational and non-relational databases?
  • Write a simple SQL query to retrieve data from a table.

Chapter 2: Getting Started with PostgreSQL

  • Installation and Setup
  • Basic Commands and Operations
Check Your Understanding:
  • How do you install PostgreSQL on your operating system?
  • Write a command to create a new database in PostgreSQL.

Chapter 3: Data Types and Structures

  • Understanding Tables, Rows, and Columns
  • Common Data Types in PostgreSQL
Check Your Understanding:
  • Describe the structure of a table in PostgreSQL.
  • What are some common data types used in PostgreSQL?

Part II: Querying with PostgreSQL

Chapter 4: Basic Queries

  • Filtering and Sorting
Check Your Understanding:
  • Write a SQL query to insert a new record into a table.
  • How would you update an existing record in a table?

Chapter 5: Advanced Queries

  • Joins, Subqueries, and Indexes
  • Aggregation and Grouping
Check Your Understanding:
  • Explain what a join is and provide an example.
  • How would you use a subquery in a SELECT statement?

Part III: Integrating PostgreSQL with Frontend Development

Chapter 6: Connecting to a Frontend Application

  • Using PostgreSQL with popular frontend frameworks
  • Security Considerations
Check Your Understanding:
  • How do you connect PostgreSQL to a frontend framework of your choice?
  • What are some security considerations when connecting to a database?

Chapter 7: Building a Full-Stack Application

  • A step-by-step guide to building a simple full-stack application with PostgreSQL
Check Your Understanding:
  • Outline the steps to build a simple full-stack application with PostgreSQL.
  • What are some challenges you might face when integrating PostgreSQL into a frontend application?

Part IV: Best Practices and Optimization

Chapter 8: Performance Tuning

  • Indexing Strategies
  • Query Optimization
Check Your Understanding:
  • What is indexing, and how can it improve query performance?
  • Provide an example of a query optimization technique.

Chapter 9: Maintenance and Scaling

  • Backups and Recovery
  • Scaling PostgreSQL
Check Your Understanding:
  • How would you perform a backup of a PostgreSQL database?
  • What are some strategies for scaling PostgreSQL?


  • Future Trends in PostgreSQL
  • Resources and Further Reading


  • A: Common SQL Commands Reference
  • B: Troubleshooting Common Issues
  • C: Glossary of Terms