
edition values

Closed this issue · 6 comments

During the install process: "cargo build --release", it reports:

error: failed to parse manifest at /home/logen/programs/mgikit/Cargo.toml

Caused by:
failed to parse the edition key

Caused by:
supported edition values are 2015 or 2018, but 2021 is unknown

Please update the version of Rust on your machine to the latest available version and try again. Edition 2021 was added with Rust 1.56.0

Thanks! it works.

There is another problem. Though I under stand the structure of read2 ( the reverse strain). I did not completely understand what do you mean by the "Sample sheet" and "Barcode template". Do you have an example of "sample_sheet_expected.tsv " file!

I used barcode sequence of suppliers other than BGI. I now have the barcode sequence. and i can read by zcat that the barcode seqence located at the tail of read2. now i want to demultiplex!

do your program support multi-threads?

We have implemented a beta version of multi-threading v1.0.0-beta:
We are releasing the final version soon with better support for multi-threading.

Details on demultiplexing and examples are at: