
☕ Java client for evaluating SPARQL queries against a SaGe server

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


SaGe client made using Jena


Getting started

First, clone and compile the project

git clone https://github.com/Callidon/sage-jena.git
cd sage-jena
gradle distZip

Then, you will find the release in build/distributions as a zip archive. Unzip it, and use bin/sage-jena to evaluate SPARQL queries using a Sage server


Usage: sage-jena [-hV] [--time] [--update] [--bucket-size=<bucketSize>]
                 [--format=<format>] [-f=<file>] [-m=<measure>] [-q=<query>]
Execute a SPARQL query with the SaGe Smart client
      URL...                URL(s) of SaGe server(s) to query. If several URls are
                              provided, the query will be executed as a Federated
                            Bucket size for SPARQL UPDATE query evaluation
      --format=<format>     Results format (Result set: raw, XML, JSON, CSV, TSV;
                              Graph: RDF serialization)
      --time                Display the the query execution time at the end
      --update              Execute the input query as a SPARQL UPDATE query
  -f, --file=<file>         File containing a SPARQL query to execute
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -m, --measure=<measure>   Measure query execution stats and append it to a file
  -q, --query=<query>       SPARQL query to execute (passed in command-line)
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Example: simple query

The following example finds the first 100 RDf triples in the DBpedia 2016 dataset

bin/sage-jena http://soyez-sage.univ-nantes.fr/sparql/dbpedia-2016-04 -q "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100"

Example: federated SPARQL query

The next example shows how to execute a federated SPARQL in the FedX/Anapasid style.
You simply have ot provide a set of RDF graphs urls and a SPARQL query, and then the query engine will automatically rewrite the query by using source selection and query decomposition techniques.

# store the query in a variable (to simplify the example)
export QUERY="SELECT * WHERE { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Albert_Einstein> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs> ?cc . ?cc <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?name. }"

# execute the query
bin/sage-jena http://soyez-sage.univ-nantes.fr/sparql/dbpedia-2016-04 http://soyez-sage.univ-nantes.fr/sparql/sameAs -q "$QUERY"