
A complete guide on how to earn GitHub profile achievement badges 🏆

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GitHub Achievements Cheatsheet

a complete How-to-get achievements badge for your GitHub profile!

GitHub Achievements are special profile badges that can be earned by completing certain objectives. These objectives can range from writing code, participating in events, and being awesome to the community, to contributing to open-source projects.

By completing certain objectives, users can earn profile badges through GitHub Achievement. These badges are visible to the public on your profile page (by default at github.com/{your_username}?tab=achievements). Earning a badge is a great way to demonstrate your dedication and skill and celebrate your successes. This repository is designed and will catalyze you to understand and achieve those achievements.

If you wish to improve this repository, please create a pull request or create an issue. Your work will be appreciated.

If you wish to hide your achievements, you can go to your Profile Settings and uncheck Show Achievements on my profile. For a full setting instruction, refer to the Changing the visibility of Achievements instructions.

This repository is a community effort and is not affiliated with GitHub. If you discover new Achievements, please contribute by editing this README.

Achievements List

The achievement lists are ordered by their release dates.

Open Sourcerer


also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

Heart On Your Sleeve


also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

Pair Extraordinaire

How to get: Co-authored in a Pull Request {this.amount} times.

also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

  • 10 co-authored Pull Requests
  • 24 co-authored Pull Requests
  • 48 co-authored Pull Requests


How to get: Gain {this.amount} of stars in a repository.

  • 16 stars gained in a single repository

also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

  • 128 Stars gained in a single repository
  • 512 Stars gained in a single repository
  • 4096 Stars gained in a single repository


How to get: Closed an issue or a pull request within 5 minutes of opening

Pull Shark

How to get: Open a Pull Request and get merged {this.amount}. Only merged Pull Requests are counted.

  • 2 Pull Requests merged

also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

  • 16 Pull Requests merged
  • 128 Pull Requests merged
  • 1024 Pull Requests merged


How to get: Merge a Pull Request without reviewing it.

Galaxy Brain

How to get: Answers get accepted {this.amount} in Discussion.

  • 2 Accepted Answers in Github Discussions

also available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold achievements.

  • 8 Accepted Answers in GitHub Discussions
  • 16 Accepted Answers in GitHub Discussions
  • 32 Accepted Answers in GitHub Discussions


Badges now cannot be earned by a new GitHub user. This badge-giving system was superseded by achievements.

Public Sponsor

How to get: Sponsor any project using GitHub Sponsor.

Arctic Code Vault Contributor

How to get: Contributed to repositories that are qualified to Arctic Code Vault Archival project.

Mars 2020 Contributor

How to get: Contributed to selected repository that powered NASA Mars 2020 project.


We would like to thank the contributors of this repository for their efforts in helping users understand how to earn GitHub Achievements. If you would like to contribute to this repository, please feel free to create a pull request or create an issue. Your work will be appreciated.