First, you will need Node.js and a text editor of your choice (atom, VSCode, or Sublime Text 3).
To start, install all the packages/libraries we require:
> npm install
> npm run dev
This boilerplate supports both CSS and SASS files. It's your choice. It also has basic eslint recommendation setting and extra react linting as well.
In order to run eslint:
> npm run lint
For Production:
> npm run build
If you want to use react-router, you should use react-router-dom which is the new version 4.
> npm install react-router-dom
with npm@5, --save is not required. It will automatically save to your package.json dependencies by default.
If you are not using npm@5
> npm install react-router-dom --save
Also in your webpack config file, head over to the output section and make sure to add the public path
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
// Add the public path below
publicPath: '/',
filename: '[name].bundle.js'
When you build to production npm run build
with react router and you wish to see your amazing project in the dist folder by opening up the index html, this will not work. React router needs a server. So if you want to see your production build project locally for any reasons, all you have to do is use expressjs or any framework and build a simple localhost server.
You can just add publicPath: '/' just to be on the safe side and don't want to be bother if you wish to expand on this starter boilerplate. Let me quickly explain what happens with publicPath when you build to production in the most simplest and non-technical way. When you run npm run build
, in the index.html file created in the dist folder will have the path to find both the css bundle and js bundle files. But with publicPath: '/' added, the index.html file won't be able to find the bundle files without a server.
If you added the publicPath and you wish to see your production build application, you can fix this simply by deleting the '/' in front of the bundle files in your index.html file. i.e. href="/main.bundle.css" -> href="main.bundle.css"