
Using the NASA Search API, build a simple client app that allows users to scroll through the catalog of NASA’s images.

Primary LanguageSwift


NasaChallenge is a a simple client app that allows users to scroll through the catalog of NASA’s images.

JSON : https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=%22%22.

Designs: https://www.figma.com/file/zy4XFycrYjVDp9zYbPSGCb/Nasa-Challenge?node-id=0%3A1.

Technical specs

  • Language: Swift
  • Networking: URLSession
  • UI: UIKit
  • Architecture: MVVM
  • Custom Built Image Loader for image fetching and caching
  • Swift standard coding/decoding for custom objects


The app relies on no external libraries,

  • Clone the repo
  • Open NasaImages.xcodeproj in XCode
    • Select your developer account
    • Choose simulator/device of choice
    • Clean Build Folder
  • Click on Run