
Given an image containing transparent containers with something inside (liquid or object), predict the Material properties of the vessel content and the vessel surface. The properties predicted include: Color (RGB), Transparency (Transmission), Roughness, Reflectiveness( Metallic)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Predicting Material properties of objects and liquids inside transparent vessels, and the vessel surface material, from a single image

Given an image containing transparent containers with something inside (liquid or object), predict the Material properties of the vessel content and the vessel surface. The properties predicted include: Color (RGB), Transparency (Transmission), Roughness, Reflectiveness( Metallic), these properties are based on the Blender (CGI) Principle BSDF node description of materials

Training the net was done using the TransProteus dataset Full Dataset 1, Full DataSet Link2, Subset

For more details see: Predicting 3D shapes, masks, and properties of materials, liquids, and objects inside transparent containers, using the TransProteus CGI dataset

The same code with trained model included (run out of the box) could be download from: 1,2. Figure 1. Structure of the net for predicting materials properties of the vessel content and vessel surface from an image.



For using the trained net for prediction, no specific hardware is needed, but the net will run much faster on Nvidia GPU.

For training the net, an Nvidia GPU is needed (the net was trained on RTX 3090)


Create a environment with the required dependencies (Pytorch, torchvision, scipy and OpenCV): conda env create -f environment.yml


This network was run with Python 3.88 Anaconda with Pytorch 1.8 and OpenCV* package.

  • Installing opencv for conda can usually be done using: "pip install opencv-python" or "conda install opencv"

Inference: running the trained net on a single image

  1. Train net or download code with pre-trained net weight from 1,2.
  2. Open RunOnImage.py
  3. Set image path to InputImage parameter (or use the pre-set example)
  4. Set the path to the Vessel Mask image to InputMask parameter (or use the pre-set example)
  5. Set the path to the trained net weights file in: Trained_model_path (If you downloaded the code with the pre-train network from here the model path is already set)
  6. Run script to get predicted material properties displayed on the screen and terminal. Additional optional parameters: UseGPU: decide whether to use GPU hardware (True/False).

For training and evaluating download TransProteus and LabPics

  1. Download and extract the TransProteus dataset Full Dataset 1, Full DataSet Link2, Subset


  1. Open Train.py
  2. Set the path to TransProteus train folders in the dictionary "TransProteusFolder" in the input parameter section (the dictionary keys names don't matter). Note that this dictionary can get several folders, and each folder can be added more than once. If a folder appears twice, it will be used during training twice as much. (By default, this parameter point to the example folder supplied with the code)
  3. Run the script
  4. The trained net weight will appear in the folder defined in the logs_dir


  1. Train net or download code with pre-trained net weight from 1,2.
  2. Open file EvaluateNet.py
  3. Set a path to the trained net weights file in: Trained_model_path (If you downloaded the code with the pre-train network from here the model path is already set)
  4. Set Test data folder path to the TestFolder parameter (TransProteus)
  5. Optional: In the InputMask parameter, set either "VesselMask" or "ContentMask" depending on whether the net is supposed to receive the region of the vessel or the region of the vessel content as an input (By default its the region of the vessel)
  6. Run the script

For other parameters, see the Input parameters section.

More Info

For more details see: Predicting 3D shapes, masks, and properties of materials, liquids, and objects inside transparent containers, using the TransProteus CGI dataset