
My Nix(OS) configurations

Primary LanguageNix

My Nix(OS) configurations

System Home

This repository hosts my NixOS and home-manager configurations.


Preparing a new machine

When installing Nix/NixOS on a new machine for the first time, make sure you complete the following steps:

  1. Figure out a hostname for your machine.
  2. Create a new system configuration under nixosConfigurations (or darwinConfigurations) in flake.nix.
  3. Create a new directory under hosts/ for your new host.
  4. Create a new home configuration under homeConfigurations in the form of user@host.

Installing NixOS

Follow the steps here to install NixOS.

Installing Nix on Darwin

Follow the steps here to install Nix on Darwin.


Installation guides


Config examples

Collection of Nix setups: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Comparison_of_NixOS_setups
