
Auth0 Design System

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Auth0 Design System


“Set of shared and integrated principles and patterns that define the overall design of a product.” — Karri Saarinen @ Airbnb


There are 4 big parts of Cosmos:

  • Tokens: configs that can be shared imported into projects
  • Components: React component library
  • Overview: Bird's eye view of components
  • Styleguide: Documentation of the design system


In it's current shape, this repository is a create-react-app project.

The src folder has all of the code, while assets has our design files.

If you peak under src, you will find 3 big folders. As we build our library, these folders can directly import code from each other. However, in the final structure, tokens and components will be consumable as npm packages.


Check out the contribution guide