
Generating massive spectral fit submissions for CNO sensitivity studies

Primary LanguagePython

Example usage

python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 penalty=Bi210
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 random=Bi210
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 random=Bi210,C14
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 penalty=pp,pep random=Bi210,C14
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 penalty=pp,pep random=Bi210,C14 list=good_root_5000_nums.list 
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 penalty=pp/pep random=Bi210,C14 list=good_root_5000_nums.list 
python generator.py hz 0 free npmts_dt1 penalty=pp,pep,Kr85 random=Bi210,C14 list=good_root_full_nums_1100.list 


On top of the file generator.py you can define several parameters

# total number of fits
NFITS_min = 486 # including
NFITS_max = 1000 # not including
# number of fits per one submission file
NBATCH = 100
# path to the input root files
INPUT = '/p/project/cjikp20/jikp2001/BxFitterData/final_senp3_full' # full exposure

If input list is not given, NFITS_min and max will be used, and the input path INPUT will be used. The exposure (full or half) will be deduced from the INPUT name. If input list is given, these variables are ignored. Fit numbers from the list are taken, and the exposure is deduced from the list filename

Inputs and outputs to the code

 - creator.py
|   |
|    - templates/
 -> fitoptions/*.cfg (if needed) [common fitoptions files]
|	(e.g. fitoptions/fitoptions_hz_0_npmts_dt1.cfg)
 -> species_list/*.icc (if needed) [common species lists]
|	(e.g. species_list/species_free.icc)
 -> fit_*/ [specific inputs and outputs for our combination]
   |	(e.g. fit_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1/)
	-> logs_*/ [folder with outputs from the fitter]
   |	(e.g. logs_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1/, future log file created by the fit*.sh: logs_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1/sen_X_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1.log where X is from 0 to 10000)
    -> fits_*/*.sh [folder with *.sh fitter files]
   |	(e.g. fits_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1/fit_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1_X.sh where X is from 0 to 20)
    -> sbatch_*/*.sh [folder with *.sh batch submission files corr. to the fit files]
		(e.g. sbatch_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1/sbatch_hz_0_cno_free_npmts_dt1_X.sh where X is from 0 to 20)

The sbatch*.sh submission files should be launched from the spectralfitter folder. The sbatch*.sh files call the fit via a relative path (outfolder/fitfolder/fits_.sh), and the fit.sh files call fitoptions*.cfg and species_.icc via relative paths too and have a relative path to the log files as well (../logs_/)