
Playing with JUNO Asimov dataset (oscillations, spectra, fitting, ...)

Primary LanguagePython



  • juno_fit.py: main code for fitting
  • juno_osc.py: class Spectra for calculations done for JUNO analysis (cross-section, reactor flux, oscillating the spectra, smearing with energy resolution, detector response etc.)
  • oscillation.py: class for Model governing neutrino oscillation. Used for general purpose e.g. calculating Majorana mass
  • myplot.py: framework for plotting. More here

Example command

python juno_fit.py Nev=10000 fit_method=chi2 data_method=asimov Nbins=200 save


  • Nev: number of events in the sample
  • fit_method: chi2 or lkl (default chi2) (lkl currently removed)
  • data_method: sample (sample events randomly based on PDF), asimov (scale PDF) or gaus (debug mode) (default asimov). Note: for gaus mode variables of the function chisquare() have to be changed from chisquare(th12, th13, a, b) to chisquare(mu, sig, a, b) and "JUNO mode" has to be replaced by "debug mode" (uncomment); same applies to Minuit initialization
  • Nbins: number of bins (best value 250 for resolution with a single parameter a, 200 when b is included)

The additional argument save is meant for the Myplot class with prompts it to save the image rather than show it

Free fit variables

The variables of the fit are defined on top of the file

all_params = ['th12', 'th13', 'a', 'b']
free_params = ['th12', 'th13', 'a']

Example output

$ python juno_fit.py Nev=100000 fit_method=chi2 data_method=asimov Nbins=200 save
Oscillation parameters based on NuFIT
            mean     sigma
th12    0.590270  0.013614
th23    0.848230  0.024435
th13    0.150098  0.002269
dm2sol  0.000074  0.000002
dm2atm  0.002528  0.000031
### Get unoscillated reactor spectrum
### Get standard oscillated NO spectrum
### Smear it
### Get corresponding PDFs (norm to 1)
Mass ordering: NO
Original parameters:
         th12 : 0.5902703530244823
         a : 0.030151134457776358
         b : 0.05
### Construct NO data histogram for 100000 events based on PDF
Fit method: Chi^2
│   │ Name │   Value   │ Hesse Err │ Minos Err- │ Minos Err+ │ Limit-  │ Limit+  │ Fixed │
│ 0 │ th12 │   0.590   │   0.006   │            │            │         │         │       │
│ 1 │ th13 │  0.1501   │  0.0015   │            │            │         │         │  yes  │
│ 2 │ a    │ 30.15e-3  │  0.30e-3  │            │            │         │         │       │
│ 3 │ b    │  50.0e-3  │  0.5e-3   │            │            │         │         │       │
Running time: 27.29336667060852 s
Result: <ValueView of Minuit at 25b6f28>
  th12: 0.5902703530244823
  th13: 0.15009831567151233
  a: 0.030151134457776358
  b: 0.05
Chi2/Ndof: 0.0
### Get unoscillated reactor spectrum
Image: result_asimov_chi2_NO_Nev100000_smeared_Nbins200_th12-a-b.png
-> Contours with 10 bins
('th12', 'a')
Running time: 68.17097401618958 s
Image: contour_asimov_chi2_NO_Nev100000_smeared_Nbins200_th12-a-b_th12VSa.png
('th12', 'b')
Running time: 67.53335380554199 s
Image: contour_asimov_chi2_NO_Nev100000_smeared_Nbins200_th12-a-b_th12VSb.png
('a', 'b')
Running time: 71.57248640060425 s
Image: contour_asimov_chi2_NO_Nev100000_smeared_Nbins200_th12-a-b_aVSb.png