
Electron neutrino survival probability (Mikromedas project)

Primary LanguagePython


Option 1: Pee as a function of L, different energy (E) in GeV
python create_pee.py E=2
python create_pee.py E=2,3,5

Option 2: Pee as a function of E, different distance (L) in km
python create_pee.py L=200
python create_pee.py L=180,200,300

By default, you will be shown the resulting plot. If you wish to save the
PNG of the plot and the .txt files with the points, type 'save' at the end
of your command e.g.
python create_pee.py L=180,200,300 save

Run these examples to try it out :)

If you want to change the range on the x-axis for E or L, go to the top
of pee.py and change the values where it says "CHANGE THIS"