
Various containers I created to keep my system clean and tidy


Please make sure to run docker volume create share before using the containers with shared content.


  • Each container directory contains at least a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file.
  • The docker-compose.yml file contains 1 rule for sharing files between the host and the container:
  • Default docker compose service is called default. This is leveraged by scripts like runcontainer
  • By default, containers are interactive, which is like running them with -it flags with regular docker run command
    • Running them in background mode is still possible by using -d/--detach with runcontainer script
  • Some containers use a shared volume to easily share/keep files. See Instructions chapter.


  • getcontainer: Fetch container files
  • runcontainer: Easily run a container


With the initial directory structure:

$ tree

0 directories, 1 file

Getting the seccomp-tools container with the getcontainer seccomp-tools command will result in the following directory structure:

└── seccomp-tools
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    └── Dockerfile

1 directory, 3 files


This could lead to a lot of created containers that are, as of today, not automatically cleaned.

Future work

  • Allow reusing existing/stopped containers easily (after -k/--keep use with runcontainer)