
Program for generating HTML for oastat

Primary LanguageC++


A program to generate static HTML files like the ones from pyqscore but from oastat data. OaStat: https://github.com/sago007/oastat

An example can be seen on: https://oastat.poulsander.com/oastat_static_web/

Cloning and building

This repository has a sub modules with levelshots and modelshots. Therefore it must be cloned like:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/sago007/oastat_static_web_generator.git


cmake .


The program expects the environment variable SAGO_CONNECTION_STRING to be set and pointing to a database populated by OaStat. Only mysql has been tested.

SAGO_CONNECTION_STRING="mysql:database=oastat;user=openarena;pass=Password1234"  ./oastat_static_web_generator --output-dir ./output


The code is GPLv2 or later.

Contains data from Openarena.

Templates and css are under the MIT license.