# Automated-School-Management-System ### Welcome to School-Management-System Git Page. This Web Application developed using php,ajax,jquery.Custom Lay Architecture. ###*Admin features * * modify his admin information with picture. * *create, delete, and update teacher, staff, student, parent account information with picture. * *add, delete, and update salary for employee (teacher, staff). * * add, delete, and update class, course, and exam schedule. * * add, delete, and update attendance employee (teacher, staff). * (Student attendance will give by teacher) * *generate report of each class Student passed/failed % result to evaluate teacher performance. * *generate report Staff and Teacher (leaves and missing day’s (number of missing days per month) performance report). * *Monthly Total Salary and payable salary Each Employee (individual) and All Employee (Total). * *Admin can Search teacher, staff, student, parent by id. * *teacher can search by course. * *student can search by also class and course. * *show all unpaid student list this month. ###Teacher features * *update his/her account information with picture (no id and name). * *add, delete, and update Report for his/her class student. * * add, delete, and update student marks with his assigned courses. * * add, delete, and update attendance student attendance. * (Student attendance will give by teacher) * *generate report of each class Student passed/failed % result to evaluate his/her Class. * *generate report (leaves and missing day’s (number of missing days per month)) for check salary and his/her evaluation. * *Monthly Total Salary and payable and omitted salary for absence. * *Teacher can Search student, parent by id. * *teacher can search by course his/her course student list. * *student can search by also his/her class and course. * *show all student list absent days this month. ###Student features * *see his/her account information with picture (no edit). * *See his/her Class all class with course teacher information, section, result. * *student can see his/her current class and course Exam Schedule. * * student see all attendance days this month. ###Staff features * *see account information with picture. * *modify contact information and password. * *see salary monthly and payable this month. * *Attendance like this month absent present. ###Parents features * *see account information with picture. * *modify contact information and password. * *see his/her students report. * *Attendance like this month absent present his students. * * see his/her students Grade. * *see his/her student’s payment.
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