
Amazon Lambda - Serverless youtube-dl

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Youtube DL


Youtube downloader on Aws Lambda


Make sure you have the Serverless Framework installed and you're using Node.js v4.0+.

npm install serverless -g

Install the project using Serverless:

serverless project install serverless-youtube-dl

Install project dependencies via npm:

npm install
cd video
npm install

Deploy your functions and endpoints:

serverless dash deploy

##Alternative Install

If issues arise during installation, the steps below can be taken to install the project and initialize it.

Open a command line terminal and cd to the location where you will be placing the serverless-youtube-dl project.

Clone the project directly from Github:

git clone git@github.com:movielala/serverless-youtube-dl.git

Enter the serverless-youtube-dl folder that was just created:

cd serverless-youtube-dl

Install all npm dependencies:

npm install
cd video
npm install

Initialize the project:

serverless project init

Deploy your functions and endpoints:

serverless dash deploy
