Implementation of a file sharing protocol which has functionalities like download and upload files, and indexed searching.

The following steps are required in order to test the commands:

  1. Extract the folder 20171017_20171202_20171204_Project2 from the Zip Folder

  2. Go to system_1, and open a terminal window from this folder

  3. Go to system_2, and open another terminal window from this folder

  4. From the system_1 terminal window, run the command: $ python2 From the system_2 terminal window, run the command: $ python2 This connects the two servers.

  5. Now you get a prompt "$>" to test the commands on both the terminals

  6. To test IndexGet shortlist:

    $> IndexGet shortlist 1580000000 1590000000
    For the bonus part:
    $> IndexGet shortlist 1580000000 1590000000 *.pdf
    $> IndexGet shortlist 1580000000 1590000000 *.txt
  1. To test IndexGet longlist:
    $> IndexGet longlist 
    For the bonus part:
    $> IndexGet longlist Programmer
    $> IndexGet longlist xa
  1. To test FileHash verify
    $> FileHash verify a.txt
  1. To test FileHash checkall
    $> FileHash checkall
  1. To test FileDownload TCP
    $> FileDownload TCP 2.txt
  1. To test FileDownload UDP
    $> FileDownload UDP 3.txt
  1. To test Cache verify
    $> Cache verify a.txt
  1. To test Cache show
    $> Cache show