
CopyRestAPI is a C# client for the Copy cloud storage service through its RESTful API.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


CopyRestAPI is a C# client for the Copy cloud storage service through its RESTful API.


CopyRestAPI is a C# client for the Copy cloud storage service through its RESTful API.

CopyRestAPI aims towards being the most comprehensive implementation for the Copy REST API in .Net/C#.


  • Full Async support
  • Full implementation of the API:
    • Support for OAuth Handshare
    • Support for User Profile methods
    • Support for Filesystem methods
    • Support for Links methods


You can contact me on twitter @saguiitay.


CopyRestAPI is available as a NuGet package

Release Notes

  • 1.0.0 Initial release.


var client = new CopyClient(
    new Config
            CallbackUrl = "https://www.yourapp.com/Copy",
            ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey,
            ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret,

            //Token = Token,
            //TokenSecret = TokenSecret

// Perform authorization (alternatively, provide a Token and TokenSecret in the Config object passed to CopyClient
await Authorize(client);

// Retrieve information on the logged-in user
var user = await client.UserManager.GetUserAsync();

// Retrieve the root folder of the logged-in user
var rootFolder = await client.GetRootFolder();

foreach (var child in rootFolder.Children)
    var childInfo = await client.FileSystemManager.GetFileSystemInformationAsync(child.Id);