Hi there 👋 I'm Oscar an 🇲🇽 Experimental Solid State Physicist with a great taste for Computational Physics
- I’m PhD in Photonics from IICO/UASLP and Teach Physics at Universidad Politecnica de San Luis Potosi
- 🟢 I’m currently learning DFT and bandstructure packages
- 🟢 Ask me about Solid state experimental physics and computational calculation of Semiconductor Bandstructure
- 🟢 How to reach me: ruizoscar.1393@gmail.com, oscarruiz@cactus.iico.uaslp.mx and oscar.ruiz@upspl.edu.mx
- I collaborate in Nanophotonics IICO's research group led by Dr. R.E. Balderas-Navarro and L.F. Lastras-Martinez
- ⚛️ This is the list of my scientific publications
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