
Multiple buy orders bot for OpenSea.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Multiple buy orders bot for OpenSea with automatic price calculation and proxy support.

If something don't work, feel free to create an issue.

Contact me if you need access to unobfuscated source code, guidance, or you have a new feature proposal.

Some tips to successfully run automatic operations on OpenSea

  • Have an OpenSea API key.
  • Use proxies. In case you don't have a good private proxy, Tor is currently better than any bad or public proxy.
  • Specify Cookies and User-Agent.
  • Specify random delays.
  • You can run multiple bot instances simultaneously with different configurations.
  • Don't do too many requests in a short time.

You can use this bot alongside with tor-multiproxy.

Be very precautious with automatic trading!


Required settings

  • network - network name (use mainnet or rinkeby).
  • infura_key or alchemy_key - Infura or Alchemy node API key.
  • mnemonic - MetaMask mnemonic phrase.
  • wallet_address - buyer wallet address.

Optional settings

  • opensea_key - OpenSea API key. Optional, recommended for multiple requests.
  • expiration - expiration time for offer in hours. Default: 24.
  • discard_threshold - how much consecutive fails to discard an offer. Default: 10.
  • restart_threshold - how much consecutive fails to restart. Default: 20.
  • price_auto - enable auto price calculation. Default: true.
    • Price will be calculated as H + epsilon, where H is the current highest offer price.
    • price_floor - minimum price in wETH. Default: 0.0001.
    • price_roof - maximum price in wETH. Default: 1.
    • price_epsilon - price increment in wETH. Default: 0.0001.
  • Delay options:
    • delay - delay between buy orders in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
    • random_delay - additional delay roof in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
    • acquire_delay - delay after acquiring an asset in milliseconds. Default: 1000.
    • acquire_random_delay - additional acquiring delay roof in milliseconds. Default: 1000.
    • Actual delay between offers will be in range:
      • from delay + acquire_delay;
      • to delay + acquire_delay + random_delay + acquire_random_delay.
    • restart_delay - delay for restart after a fatal error. Default: 5000.
  • Skipping options:
    • skip_if_have_bid - skip offer duplicates. Default: true.
    • skip_if_too_high - skip an offer if the roof price is lower then the current highest bid. Default: true.
    • skip_if_owner_is_buyer - skip an asset if you already own it. Default: true.
    • skip_if_order_created - skip an asset if an error occured but order was created. Default: true.
  • Logging options:
    • log_fetch - log fetch calls. Default: false.
    • log_full - log full error messages. Default: false.
  • Proxy settings:
    • proxy_list - proxies list file. No proxy by default.
    • proxy_protocol - proxy protocol. Should be http:// or socks://. Default: http://.
    • proxy_checking - enable proxy checking. Default: true.
    • switch_threshold - how much fails to switch proxy. Default: 10.
    • switch_delay - proxy switching delay in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
  • HTTP request options:
    • cookie - Cookie data. No Cookie by default.
    • user_agent - User-Agent data. No User-Agent by default.
    • cache_time - fetch cache timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
    • fetch_timeout - timeout for fetch requests in milliseconds. Default: 5000.

Values floor, roof, epsilon for price calculation will be taken from the assets list file if specified, or from the config otherwise.

If auto price calculation is disabled, only the floor value will be used to create a buy order.

Default config file: config.json.


  "network":        "rinkeby",
  "infura_key":     "<your Infura API key>",
  "mnemonic":       "<your MetaMask mnemonic phrase>",
  "wallet_address": "<your wallet address>",

  "price_auto":     true,
  "price_floor":    0.001,
  "price_roof":     100,
  "price_epsilon":  0.001,

  "expiration":     4,

  "delay":                500,
  "random_delay":         500,
  "acquire_delay":        500,
  "acquire_random_delay": 500

Assets list file

Each line contains a link to the asset on OpenSea and floor, roof, epsilon price values in wETH as floating-point numbers. If there is no value specified, it will be taken from the config. First number is floor, second is roof and last is epsilon.

Asset line notation: <link to asset> [floor price] [roof price] [epsilon]

Default list file: list.txt.


https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/0x08a62684d8d609dcc7cfb0664cf9aabec86504e5/100 0.01 100
https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/0x08a62684d8d609dcc7cfb0664cf9aabec86504e5/300 0.2 200 0.1

Proxies list file

Available proxy notation:

  • protocol://user:pass@host:port
  • protocol://host:port:user:pass

Available protocols:

  • http:// - for HTTP proxy.
  • socks:// - for SOCKS 4/5 proxy.

Host should be an IPv4 address. Protocol can be omitted, in which case the value proxy_protocol from the configuration will be used.



Command line arguments

  • --file=<file name> - assets list file. Default: list.txt.
  • --config=<file name> - config file. Default: config.json.
  • --output=<file name> - output log file. Default: log.txt.
  • --proxy=<file name> - proxies list file. No proxy by default.
  • --verbose - print all messages to the console. Disabled by default.
  • --seaverb - print OpenSea log messages. Disabled by default.
  • --printinfo - don't create buy orders, but print the assets info. Disabled by default.
  • --stop - stop currently running bot instance.
  • --resume=<line> - resume progress from specified line.


You should have an Infura or Alchemy API key, an OpenSea API key, an OpenSea account and a MetaMask account.

Make sure to have installed recent version of Node.js with Git, Python and C/C++ build tools (npm may require this to install dependencies).

  • Install the package.
  • Create a config file.
  • Run offers.js.


npm install
node offers.js --config=config.json --file=list.txt

Demo video - https://youtu.be/sGwS2v-S2wk


Sometimes you cannot install OpenSea SDK with recent Node version. Then you will need to downgrate to v8, replace package.json with package-node-8.11.json, install, and upgrade to v16. You will need to manually run hotfix.js.

You can do it with the following commands:

# On Windows:
move /Y package-node-8.11.json package.json

# On Linux:
# mv -f package-node-8.11.json package.json

nvm use 8
npm install
nvm use 16
node hotfix.js
# Now you can run the Bot

For tip

  • btc Bitcoin bc1qau5y9wf49ammclhscuelwlm6370d9lqph6g9um
  • btc Bitcoin (Legacy) 369h9iMSq8ihjYMwdwhbn2ffXMrprHvxav
  • eth Ethereum 0x98556fb56e3079696738579dBE70a5Fa761110b9