
Simple webtask.io task that sends you an email of the results.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Markdown to CSV Conversion

This app was created to try out https://webtask.io.

The app merely converts a Markdown formatted table into CSV format then emails a HTML formatted version of the same file using Sendgrid.

Webtask.io Deployment

npm install wt-cli -g

wt init <your-email-address>@example.com

wt create md2csv.js \
  --name md2csv \
  -s EMAIL_TO=<recipient@example.com> \
  -s EMAIL_FROM=<sender@example.com> \
  -s URL=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/<raw-file-name>.md

To get the multiline commands above to work on Windows, replace the \ character with ^:

wt create md2csv.js ^
  --name md2csv ^
  -s EMAIL_TO=<recipient@example.com> ^
  -s EMAIL_FROM=<sender@example.com> ^
  -s URL=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/<raw-file-name>.md

For the actual conversion, simply set the emailTo and url query parameters in the url handed to you by wt-cli:

curl https://webtask.it.auth0.com/api/run/wt-<your-email>-0/md2csv?webtask_no_cache=1&emailTo=<your-email>@<domain.com>&url=https://git.io/vK4St

Local Deployment

The app can also be run from the command line. .1. Clone the repository locally.

git clone git@github.com:sah2ed/md2csv.git 
cd md2csv/

.2. Next rename the environment file .env-example to .env.

mv .env-example .env

.3. Then edit the values to suit your environment. At a minimum, you'll need to set the URL variable to a valid markdown file containing the table that you want to convert to CSV. Urls to private gists hosted on GitHub will also work.

.4. The conversion will write the CSV to standard out.

npm install
node index.js

.5. Debugging network problems. On Windows use:

SET NODE_DEBUG=request && node index.js

On Linux use:

NODE_DEBUG=request node index.js 


Inspired by https://github.com/tomroy/mdtable2csv