
Thrilling MultiplayerVR game, powered by Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Multiplayer, OpenXR, Ai, and C++.

Primary LanguageC++


Thrilling MultiplayerVR game, powered by Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Multiplayer, OpenXR, Ai, and C++.

Battle for Space Control Station is a thrilling multiplayer VR game that immerses players in an intense space combat experience. Made with Unreal Engine 5, the game features advanced weapon systems that allow players to engage in epic battles with other players to take down their opponents. In addition, the game includes Ai tracker balls of CONTRASTING colors, sizes, and features, which players must strategically utilize to stay alive. Green tracker balls are friendly and improve players' health, while red enemy tracker balls explode and pose a threat to players; the larger the ball more dangerous it can be. Blue balls come with random features; these can either boost or damage health.

Set in a futuristic space control station, players can explore and navigate through the intricately designed environment to gain a tactical advantage. Players can keep track of their health on the display screens in all 4 directions. Battle for Space Control Station is powered by Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Multiplayer, OpenXR, and C++, ensuring a seamless and immersive gaming experience for all players.

Techniques Used

  • GameEngine: Unreal Engine 5.1
  • Tech Stack: C++, Blueprints
  • Technologies: Unreal Multiplayer, OpenXR, Ai
  • Features: weapon, Ai tracker ball (red, green, blue) of various sizes and features, health indicator

Demo of playing the MultiplayerVR game

You can check the following youtube video below.

Watch the video