
WriteReviews is a review writing website where users can create reviews with location and description of any place and make comments on it.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • WriteReviews is a website where users can create reviews of any place and make comments on it.
  • Everyone can view the reviews and locations without signing up or logging in but users will have to log in to edit the review details or any comments.
  • The user can only edit or delete the reviews and comments that they have added.
  • This project was created using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Bootstrap. Passport.js was used to handle authentication.

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View live website WriteReviews


  • Users can create, edit, and delete reviews
  • Users can add or delete their comments
  • add location of reviews

Run it locally

  1. Download Nodejs and install it
  2. Install mongodb
  3. Create a cloudinary account to get an API key and secret code
  4. Create mapbox account to get access token
git clone https://github.com/sahabiswajit600/WriteReviews.git
cd WriteReviews
npm install

Create a .env file (or just export manually in the terminal) in the root of the project and add the following:


Run mongod in another terminal and node app.js in the terminal with the project.

then go to localhost:3000