Data and Visual analytics project
1. Install from PostgreSQL Website (recommended)
This also installs pgAdmin GUI tool which makes using the database much easier.
Setup command line command psql by placing the following in your bash_profile (or equivalent)
alias psql="/Library/PostgreSQL/10/scripts/"
2. (Mac OSX) Install using homebrew
- Installs the
tool by default
- \l (list databases)
- \c (connect to database)
- \i </path/to/script> (Run script)
- \d (list tables in database)
$ pip install flask
$ pip install flask-login
$ pip install flask-openid
$ pip install flask-mail
$ pip install flask-sqlalchemy
$ pip install sqlalchemy-migrate
$ pip install flask-whooshalchemy
$ pip install flask-wtf
$ pip install flask-babel
$ pip install guess_language
$ pip install flipflop
$ pip install coverage