
I have developed this REST API as a part of coding assignment for one of the Fintech firm in Singapore.

Primary LanguageJava

Student Enrollment Sample Rest API

Visualization of the codebase View interactive Diagram

I have developed this REST API in 2019 as a part of coding assignment for one of the Fintech firm in Singapore.

I have decided to opensource it now.

The ask was:

  • To build a simple REST API which should support CRUD operations like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE on a student database.
  • MySQL DB should be used to store the student details.
  • It should also support H2 in-memory DB for unit testing.
  • The solution should use Spring JPA (Java Persistence API) and Hibernate to abstract the database related operations.
  • To have some basic unit tests using Mockito
  • Integration tests against the H2 database
  • Write some Cucumber E2E tests to verify the CRUD operations are working fine.
  • The whole solution should be Containerized and can be started using docker.
  • CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins (now changed to Github Actions) where all the unit, integration and cucumber acceptance tests should be executed, before deploying the docker image to Docker hub.
  • The API documentation should be accessible using Swagger URL.

To run the application

Using Docker:
docker run sahajamit/student-enrollment-api
 mvn spring-boot:run

The application will run on the port 8081 by default.

To explore the API, the swagger documentation for this api can be seen using this url


To run all the unit tests

 mvn -q test -Dtest=StudentApiUnitTests

To run all the integration tests

 mvn -q test -Dtest=StudentApiIntegrationTests

To run all the cucumber tests

 mvn -q test -Dtest=RunCucumberTest

Cucumber Tests HTML Report will be generated in this directory


All the unit and integration tests report will be generated in this directory


The complete CI/CD pipeline can be seen in the Github actions tab.