
Typeform like rating component :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Typeform like rating component (unofficial).

Try demo

  1. Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/sahajRe/react-typeform-rating.git
  1. Install dependencies

npm install or yarn install

  1. Start development server

npm start or yarn start

Runs the demo app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

How to install react-typeform-rating npm package in your project?

npm install react-typeform-rating or yarn add react-typeform-rating

Then, include demo/App.css in your App:

import <path-to-app-css>/App.css

If you are using font awesome, like I do in the demo, you can copy related files public/css/fontawesome.css and public/social/ and include the CSS path in 'public/index.html'. Alternatively, you may use Bootstrap glyphycon.


    name="name1"   // mandatory, string
    starCount={5}  // mandatory, number of starts, number, default 5
    value={0}      // initial value for stars, number, default 0
    onChange={this.onChange}  // callback to get rating object {name: 'name1', rating: <user-selected-rating> }
    halfStarSelection={false} // to allow half star selection, boolean, default false
    keyPressed={this.state["name1"].key} // keyCode of key pressed, you can use any key binding library, the demo uses react-keydown
    emptyStar="fa fa-3x fa-star-o" // CSS class for showing empty stars
    selectedStar="fa fa-3x fa-star" // CSS class for showing filled/selected star


Suggestions, issues, feature and pull requests are most welcomed.