
V2Ray Docker Compose Sample (Bridge and Upstream Servers)

V2Ray Docker Compose

This repository contains sample Docker Compose files to run upstream and bridge V2Ray servers.



  • Upstream Server: A server that has free access to the Internet.
  • Bridge Server: A server that is available to clients and has access to an upstream server.
  • Client: A user-side application with access only to the bridge server.
[ Client ] <-> [ Bridge Server ] <-> [ Upstream Server ] <-> [ Internet ]



V2Ray uses the VMESS protocol as the primary protocol. The VMESS protocol requires UUIDs for security reasons (instead of passwords). We need two UUIDs for the two V2Ray servers (upstream and bridge servers). You can generate UUIDs using this online tool:


Sample UUIDs:

  • cfc3ac34-a70d-424e-b43c-33049cf4bf31
  • 143d98d8-ac89-465a-acb5-d8d51e1f851f

Upstream Server

To setup the upstream server:

  1. Copy the "upstream" directory into the upstream server.
  2. Replace <UPSTREAM-UUID> in the config.json file with the generated UUID for the upstream server.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d.

Bridge Server

To setup the bridge server:

  1. Copy the "bridge" directory into bridge server.
  2. Replace the following variables in the config.json file with appropriate values.
    • <HTTP-USERNAME>: An HTTP proxy username like freedom.
    • <HTTP-PASSWORD>: An HTTP proxy password like !FR33DoM!.
    • <SHADOWSOCKS-PASSWORD>: A ShadowSocks password like !FR33DoM!.
    • <BRIDGE-UUID>: The generated UUID for the bridge server.
    • <UPSTREAM-SERVER-IP>: The upstream server IP address like
    • <UPSTREAM-UUID>: The generated UUID for the upstream server.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d.

Setup Client Apps

The bridge server exposes these proxy protocols:

  • HTTP Proxy
  • ShadowSocks

You can use any VPN client which supports one of the protocols above. The following list includes some of the recommended client applications.

Sample ShadowSocks Configuration
Port: 1012
Algorithm/Encryption: aes-128-gcm
Sample VMESS Configuration
Port: 1013
AlterID: 10
Level: 0
Security: None
Network: TCP


This repository is forked from v2ray-config-examples. Thanks to @xesina and other contributors to the original repository.