
PhD related publications and documents

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PhD 🧑‍🔬 Related Directory

The following directory serves as the guide of the PhD related works like publications 📜, code 💬, grants 💸, and other projects 🚧.


  1. Peony
    • The project that covers the topic of active learning for text classification. The project resulted in two publications listed below.
    • Active Learning for Text Classification and Fake News Detection //TODO Link the folder
    • Batch Active Learning for Text Classification and Sentiment Anylysis //TODO Link the folder
  2. Orchid
    • Coreference resolution project that tends to be the subsequent part of Peony project. Orchid is designed to develop state of art coreference resolution system with the application of active learning techniques and probably generalization to the knowledge graph
    • Part of the project was the application for GAČR project //TODO Link the folder
  3. Doctoral Minimum
    • the written summary of the whole PhD research. In other words "baby disertation" 👶. Reading of the document is expected to create the image why the research makes sense.